Friday, March 7, 2014

Series 2

This set of photos is a continuation of the previous set in which I am taking photos of everyday objects silhouetted against a black background.

 This last photo is a product of manipulating the lighting settings and brightness in picmonkey.


  1. I like how these pictures were taken in color. My favorite picture is the fifth one, because I like how the colors go with one another. Good job!

  2. All these photos look good. I like how each photo is distinctly different from all the other photos.

  3. I really like photo 3. Not only do the colors contrast against the background, they contrast against each other and balance the photo well.

  4. your photos are good. they definitely capture still life, but there is nothing exciting or something that sticks out about it. next time try using more interesting objects, that could be very interesting.

  5. I thought the photos with the two different colored fruit were really cool. I like the way with no background it really makes them stand out and contrast with them being at the opposite corners of the frame.

  6. I really like your seventh picture because the details of the orange are displayed and the texture of the black background matches well with the wrinkles on the orange. For the next batch, you can work more on positioning the fruit in different arrangements, perhaps with three or more subjects.
