Thursday, February 27, 2014

Series 1

In this series of photographs I have chosen to make a set of still life photos of everyday objects silhouetted against a black background.


  1. These are all interesting objects. My favorite picture is the last one, because the objects are very interesting to look at. I like how you tried black and white and color. Good job!

  2. These work very well to portray your goal, especially the 5th and 6th. These are the best silhouettes, as the background is totally black, and the subject almost is getting pulled into the dark. I think it could be even better if your first four, especially 3rd and 4th, did the same thing, and maybe you could darken the backgrounds to make them look more like the genie pics. Great job though!

  3. Great Photos! Super intense! Next time, try using more objects. I Dont think you should post multiple of the same objects.

  4. Ale, I really like the 6h photo in this set. It really captures the still life "feel" of your series.

  5. I really like your photos! My favorite is the fifth one because it seems mysterious and the background is totally black.

  6. I liked the ideas you had going here. In the first few with the apple and the different shots and features of it I thought were really cool how the different filters or colors showed little details on the apple you wouldn't see otherwise all the time.

  7. Nice job Ale! My favorite pictures are the first two, because they seem to be more like paintings than photographs. The bright spots on the apples really attract attention and the apple's details are well displayed. I suggest working to block out all the light in your still life series as the third and fourth picture seem to be taken in the daylight with a lot of glare.

  8. Good job. Your photos are really interesting. I think the ones that fit your series idea the most are all the photos of the lamp.

  9. i like the 6th one a lot it looks really good but maybe try and take photos of different things and mix it up
