Friday, March 21, 2014

Series 4

This set of photos is a continuation of the previous sets in which I am taking photos of everyday objects silhouetted against a black background. In this set, I am focusing more on capturing a wide array of colors and geometric shapes.

 In this photo, I experimented the brightness and shadow settings in picmonkey.

 In this photo, I experimented the brightness and shadow settings in picmonkey.


  1. I really like these photos especially number 8 which has a really cool look to it. Great work!

  2. These pictures are all really cool! I like the first one, because of the interesting colors. Good Job!

  3. Nice work Ale! I like the last picture because the object looks really three-dimensional and the shadows are really interesting. Perhaps you can expand your series by working with the contrast and shadows on Picmonkey for your pictures.

  4. Solid batch and I think these are really cool ideas. Some of them look a bit similar. My favorite was the first one because of the colors the effect had on it.

  5. These pictures all look good! My favorite is the first one because how you played with the features and did the editing.

  6. I like how these photos have very edited ones and some that are not edited. Maybe try black and white on some of these. Good job.

  7. The unedited photos look great for this set. They contrast well with the black background. Good work.
