Thursday, March 13, 2014

Series 3

This set of photos is a continuation of the previous set in which I am taking photos of everyday objects silhouetted against a black background.


  1. I really like the last two pictures of this batch. The vibrant colors spice up the pictures really well. For your other pictures, I suggest editing them more such as playing with the contrast and shadows to see if you can create some point of attention on the subject.

  2. These pictures are really cool. I like the last picture and I like how you experiment with different angles while taking the pictures.

  3. I like these photos. Yet I feel like they are some what repetitive. It seems like you are just using a different angle on the objects rather using a different object or showing a new side to the object.

  4. I really like all these photos especially the third and last two because of the different angles they are shot at and the vibrant colors. Great job!

  5. I liked the ideas and set up of this batch and thought they came out really cool. I like how it looks like the lion is floating upside down with the black background not knowing what is up and down. I think some angles were better than others but otherwise a strong batch!

  6. I like how even though you used the same object you created different angles for each picture. Nice work!

  7. The last picture is really great,the colors really pop. I suggest you try taking more pictures like the last two photos, where the colors really pop out of the black background. I also like the different angels you captured the animal figures in. good job.

  8. I really like how isolated the subject is and how black your background is and i also like the different positions that you placed your subject in
