Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jacob Riis Photos 1

In this set of photos, I am trying to emulate the style of Jacob Riis, who typically used flash photography to take pictures of dark environments.


  1. I really like this batch. I think you did an extremely good job in making the photos look very dark and creepy. It is kind of ghostly, with the darkness and the flash at the same time. I also like how they all have an ending, with a wall, which makes it more eerie and creepy, since it forces you to look for a primary subject that isn't there, making it more ghostly. Great job

  2. Ale, good job at imitating Jacob Riis. You capture the creepiness of the dark atmosphere. I wonder what some of them would look like in color. I also wonder what it would look like if you used darker environments to capture more of the use of flash. Also try to vary subject matter. Good Work!

  3. I think you did a really good job at working with Jacob Riis' dark kind of styling. The fifth picture is the one that reminds me most of Riss' style. Good job.
